ELEAZAR ALBIN (1680-1741) English
The Natural History of Birds 1731-38. Hand-colored
copperplate etchings. (9"x11")
Albin, a professional watercolor painter,
published the first English colorplate bird
book. Prices --$195-$600.
JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (1785-1851) American
of America 1827-1838.
Hand-colored copperplate etching with aquatint by Robert Havell,
Jr. (25"x38") The Double
Elephant Folio printed in London
consisted of 435 lifesize plates of all the known
American bird species. It is considered
the pinnacle of all natural history
art. Prices--$3800 - $29,500.
of America 1840-44 . Hand-colored lithograph by J. T. Bowen.
Audubon's "great national work" consisted of 500 plates
printed in Philadephia. Prices --
of America 1858-1860.
Hand-finished chromolithographs by
Julius Bien. (26"x39")
The Bien Edition began in 1858, brought
to a sudden halt by the outbreak of
the Civil War, making it the most rare
of all Audubon editions. It considered
the most outstanding example of large-scale
American chromolithography. Prices --
COMTE DE BUFFON (1707-1788) French
Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux 1770-86. Hand-colored
copperplate etchings (9"x11")
Francois Martinet was the artist for
this work, published by the greatest
of all naturalists of the 18th Century,
George Louis Leclerc, Comte De Buffon.
Prices -- $225-$575.
MARK CATESBY (1682-1749) English
Natural History of Carolina, Florida,
and the Bahama Islands 1731, 1754, 1771. Hand-colored
copperplate etching. (14"x20")
Mark Catesby was a pioneer in the
field of scientific illustration
and has been
called the "founder of American
ornithology" or the "Colonial
Audubon." Prices -- $850 - $7,000.
EDWARDS (1694-1773) English
Gleanings of Natural History 1758-64. Hand-colored
copperplate etchings. (9"x11")
Edwards abandoned his father's desire
for him to pursue business in order
to paint nature. Prices $250-$650.
JOHN GOULD (1804-1881) English
of the Trochilidae or Family of Hummingbirds
1849-1861. Hand-colored
lithographic plate. (14 1/2" x 21") Gould's
masterpiece remains a feast
of beauty and a source of wonder. Each
plate exquisitely portrays
the delicately colored birds with flowers
indigenous to
their area. Prices -- $850
- $1600.
of Great Britain 1862-1873. Hand-colored lithographic
plate. (14"x21") Gould's work was the most
comprehensive record of native
birds at that time, many of which
are also indigenous to North America.
Prices -- $550 - $1500.
Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux 1801-1806. Copperplate
engravings printed in color and
finished by hand. (18"x23")
Jacque Barraband, the principal
artist of
this work, decorated
the diningroom in Napoleon's chateau,
St. Cloud, and supplied drawings
to the Sevre porcelain factory.
Prices --$995-$2200.
MANETTI (1723-1784)
Methodiea Digesta 1767-1776. Hand-colored
etched plates. This was one of the
bird books issued that date and one
of the most sumptuous publications
of 18th Century Italy. Prices --
PENNANT (1726-1798) English
The British Zoology
1761-1766. Hand-colored copperplate
etchings (14 1/4" x 20 1/4")
from drawings by Peter Paillou (1712-1784).
The first
colored illustrations of birds in a book
which attempted to list and portray all
of the British species, many of them
life size. The plates cost Pennant so
much that the publication was barely
profitable. Prices -- $700-$2,500
PRIDEAUX JOHN SELBY (1788-1867) English
of British Ornithology 1818-33. Hand-colored
copperplate etchings.
(20"x25 1/2") The cool,
classical quality of
Selby's plates belongs to the
Age of Elegance. His
atlas, with its life
size figures was a great achievement
in the long history of bird
illustration. Prices -- $575-$2300.
ALEXANDER WILSON (1766-1813) American
American Ornithology 1808-14. Hand-colored
engraved copperplate.(11"x14")
Wilson published the
first book of native
birds in America. He is considered the
father of American
ornithology. Prices
-- $500-$2500.
ALBIN (1680-1741) English
Natural History of English Insects
1720, 1749. Copper
plate etchings with original handcolor
(9" x 11.5"). Eleazar
Albin was a professional watercolor
This work was his first book and
the hand-colored plates are considered
his finest work. Albin's book
on English birds is a result of
his observations of the national
enemies of insects. Prices -- $325-$450.
LAURENT BERLESE (1784-1863) French
Iconographic du Genre Camellia
ou Description 1839-43. Hand-colored
stipple engraving. (10"x14")
Berlese was the world expert on
Camellia propagation in the early
19th Century.
Prices -- $450-$1200.
PANCRASE BESSA (1772-1835) French
Flore Des Jardiniers 1836. Hand-colored
engraving. (9"x11")
Bessa was Redoute's most prized
and they collaborated on many
works. Herbier General de L’Amateur (1810-1827) Size 6 ½” x 9 7/8” Prices $150-$350.
ELIZABETH BLACKWELL (1700-1747) English
Curious Herbal 1737. Hand-colored
engraving. (10"x14") A knowledgable
herbalist, she produced this work to
free her husband from debtors prison.
Prices --$150 & up.
JOSEPH P. BUC'HOZ (1731-1807) French
of the Vegetable Kingdom 1774-1780. Copperplate engraving. An extremely
prolific author of over 300 volumes
on natural history. He was physician
to the King of Poland at age 28,
but left to pursue his passion for
botany. Prices -- $150-$250
CURTIS (1746-1799) English
The Botanical Magazine 1787... Hand-colored
copperplate etchings (7"x10") This publication
depicted the most beautiful and
interesting plants that were being discovered
worldwide. Prices -- $49-$175.
Londinensis 1777-1798. Hand-colored
engravings. (12"x20")
Depicted all the plants found
within a radius of 10 miles
of London. Prices -- $200-$600.
DONOVAN (1768-1837) English
of Britain 1796. Hand-colored
etched plates. English author,
naturalist, and fellow of the Linnean
Society. The great expenditure
on his many publications forced
this once wealthy man into financial
when he reached the age of
retirement. Prices --$75-$200.
WILLIAM F. KIRBY (19th Century) English
Handbook to the Order of Lepidoptera
1896-1897. Chromolithographs (6"x9").
Beautiful plates of butterflies
and moths. Prices --$45-$95.
THOMAS MOORE (1821-1887) English
The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland
1857. Nature printed by Henry Bradbury.
Octavo Edition (7"x10").
Folio Edition (15" x
The finest example of nature
printing where
are made
from a mold impression. All
ferns are printed life-size.
Bradbury's accomplishment
is considered
a milestone
printed illustration. Prices
-- $80 - $1200.
PIERRE JOSEPH REDOUTE (1759-1841) French
Les Roses (folio) 1817-1824. Stipple
engraving with hand finishing. (10"x13 1/2")
Acclaimed the greatest rose and flower
painter of the 19th Century.
Redoute, painting
instructor to Marie Antionette,
the French Revolution. Napoleon's
wife, Josephine, became his
patron and these prints recreated
her rose garden. Prices avalible upon request
ROBERT JOHN THORNTON M.D. (1768 - 1837) English |
The Temple of Flora (1798-1807)
A variety of intaglio processes were used to create these impressive folio prints; mezzotint,aquatint,engraving,etching and stipple. They were color printed and finished by hand. These works are considered the most magnificient and famous of all flower prints. Prices $5,000-$18,000
The Temple of Flora (1812) Quarto sized copies of the great folio prints, using the same printing methods. Published by Thornton for the Great Botanical Lottery. Prices $850-$1500
ROBERT WARNER (19th Century) English
The Orchid Album 1882-1897. Hand-colored
stone lithograph. (10"x14")
John Nugent Fitch (1840-1927)
was the acclaimed artist
for this monumental work on Orchids. Prices
Johann Weinmann
(1683-1741) German
Phytanthoza Icongraphia 1737-1745. Original Color -printed Mezzotints, (11 1/2"x 17 1/4" ) with hand finishing. (Weinmann 's plates are among the earlist published colored botanicals.) Weinmann, a prominent apothecary, produced an important work describing his vast plant collection. Many of the illustrations are by Georg Dionysius Ehret- acclaimed the greatest flower painter of the 18th century. Prices $450-$1,200
JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (1785-1851) American
Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America
1845-1848. Hand-colored
stone lithograph. (22"x28") His last major accomplishment
was the first attempt ever to document
and depict all of the mammals of North
America. The folio is acclaimed as
the definitive 19th century work in the field
of American mammalogy. Prices -- $1200
- $18,000.
The Quadrupeds of North America 1849 (Octavo Edition) Hand-colored
stone lithograph (7"x10") The octavo edition of Audubon's
famous folio Viviparous Quadrupeds
Prices -- $100-$1600.
MARC ELEISER BLOCH M.D. (1723-1799) German
Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische 1782-1795 and Ichthyologie,
ou Histoire Naturelle Generale et Particuliere des
Poissons 1785-1797. Copper-plate engraving with
original hand-coloring (10.25" x 7.5").
The work is often considered the most beautiful book
on fishes
ever published. Prices -- $675-$1300.
MARK CATESBY (1682-1749) English
Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and
the Bahama Islands 1731, 1754, 1771. Hand-colored
copperplate etching. (14"x20")
Mark Catesby was a pioneer in the field
of scientific illustration, illustrating
flora and fauna of America. Prices
-- $650 - $6000.
JAMES OTTO LEWIS (1799-1858)
Aboriginal Portfolio 1835-36, 39, 41. Stone-lithograph
with original hand coloring. The Aboriginal Portfolio
represents the earliest attempt to publish a
collection of portraits of North American Indians. Prices
-- $825-$1200.